Staying at an oil refinery might have been an interesting experience for this dog. There was an abundance of pipes where he could take shelter from the sun and the rain alike. Still, the whole place was hazardous to a homeless animal like him.
People tried to be friends with him, of course. They offered food and attempted to pet him a few times. But they were all the same in his eyes, and he tried to make them go away by growing at them.
Sometimes, if the person were persistent, the dog would make himself scarce and enter a pipe so he could hide. The tubes were all over the place, and there were piles of it. Anyone would have a hard time rummaging through them and would soon give up.
The dog used the same trick when the Hope For Paws rescuers arrived to collect him. The good news was that they were able to track him by following the sounds of his barks. But of course, the dog was not one to give up so easily.
One of the rescuers employed the use of a rather long rod. He used this to poke the dog and force him to go to the other end of the pipe. Two more rescuers were waiting for him at the other end, anticipating his arrival with a cage trap. The had managed to trap the dog, and there was no other way for him to get out.
The dog was not thrilled, but it worked, and he had no other option but to follow their lead. The rescuers doted on him from outside of the cage, but he didn’t know how to react. They chalked it up to an extended period of not socializing with humans.
He growled at them but had a change of heart after a warm bath and some food. Then again, most things were harder to deal with on an empty stomach. And from that day on, he became known as Tank.
Source: Hope For Paws via YouTube