Summer is an inevitable season of the year for many countries. When the environment has become incredibly hot and when everything outdoors seems thirsty, you know that it is already that time of the year.
While some may choose to spend the day somewhere cooler and indoors, others prefer to embrace the sun’s rays while at the same time remaining relatively cool, such as by choosing to dip in the pool.
For our beloved dogs, the choice to be cool is never an option either, which means they have some significant time in the pool as their owners do.
But a chlorinated pool and the dog’s skin are not necessarily best friends. In as much the same way that diluted chlorine has a way of causing us humans dry skin, dogs, too, share a similar symptom after some time in the pool.
Having dry skin may be nothing for us human folks. However, for dogs, having their skin dehydrated can easily result in a complication like canine atopic dermatitis (CAD), which often culminates from a series of licking, scratching, and chewing.
Dogs are very sensitive creatures and are very impulsive towards stimuli that warrant their usual reflex towards dry and itchy skin. Left unto itself, the condition could get worse, which might result in hair loss, lesions, or, worse, a bacterial infection.
It is never fun to see one’s pet losing precious furs and getting all scratched and wounded with pus. If anything, that is horrifying and seriously calls for immediate concern.
Yet, veterinary science is somewhat alien towards this condition, which is specifically attributed to a kind of allergy that comes mostly from any of these three sources: direct contact, environment, and food.
Basically, the dog’s body’s reaction to allergy occurs when a certain allergen—either from pollen or food—triggers the immune system’s aggressive response.
Bolstering the dog’s immunity with omega-3 fatty acids
The dog’s immunity is always its first line of defense against common sickness, including an allergic response to allergens. Although there are plenty of known nutrients that directly fortify the dog’s immune system to ward off potential disease-causing elements, a healthy fat like the omega-3 fatty acid makes for a special entry in the list.
A dog’s body is capable of many things, all of which are designed for the creature’s benefit. But to produce something as essential and beneficial as an omega-3 fatty acid is not among them. This means that, in order to make your beloved pet’s immunity to be at its best, a healthy dose of these fats is important.
While abundant from natural sources, omega-3 fatty acids are very vulnerable to heat, such that cooking often destroys what is good in them. Luckily, there are now also products aimed at delivering the best concentration of healthy fats to pets, such as food supplements.
If you, like every dog lover out there, is seriously worried of your dog becoming sick as induced by the presence of allergens which come with summer,
There is no better way to alleviate such concern than to give your pet a daily dose of omega-3 fatty acid supplement.